So you want a job and you've been applying over and over and  over and no luck.  Why?
       First, most companies now require an online application.  Convenient for them and for us but are they effective?  I say not for you!  They may work for the companies but you are lost in thousands of apps and your chances of being picked are slim to none. 
       All apps filled out online have a generic similarity and do not allow you to stand out.  They are probably forwarded to a HR person based on some algorithm selected for a particular position.  And, most are probably purged after a certain time period, typically 30 days or less.  So what can you do? 
      Pick smaller companies and follow up.  Get rid of your expectations of a job and pay you want.  Just aim at getting a foot in the door in an industry or company you want to work for.  Call, stop in, get your name and face on the HR person's radar.  They may or may not see you but an effort made on your part will probably get their attention and they may just look your app up.  Do not be annoying, be courteous and polite.  Don't try to get an interview but do ask for one.  Don't tell them all about you as you get the bums rush out the door (they will say we don't interview, fill out the online app).  Be persistent but not obnoxiously so.  Timing is important. 
       If they put a name and face to an applicant your chances increase substantially.  Companies will tell you this is not the case but it does make an impression that is favorable if you keep in mind that all you want is to put your name and face to that app not bug them.
       If you are willing to accept pay that is less than what you need or want and willing to work outside your field you can get a job.  How do I know this?
        I had my own business for 14 years, lost it last year.  I was unemployed for 3 months.  I applied for just about every job I felt I could do regardless of pay or position.  I followed up with a visit and politely left my name and phone number.  I got two pt jobs.  Neither paid what I had to have but something is better than nothing. (Well it is for self-employed persons, we don't get unemployment.) Long story short, if I had not done that neither would have called me for an interview - got that straight from the HR persons.  Putting a name and face to the app got me the jobs. 
       One pt job has already become a ft job with a substantial raise in pay.  Had I not been willing to start pt and accept a lower wage than I wanted I would not have had the opportunity for the ft position and the increase in pay. 
        Good luck!

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    March 2011

